
#VEGASROT      An indie & private  original character  from fallout.
   written by  MILES  (he/they, 24)   

This section will not show up on the carrd itself, this is here for instruction purposes only. You can delete this section if you want. If you have an issue or need help that isn't covered in the tips below, you are welcome to contact me for help via my askbox @rcsea on tumblr.

Terms of Use

  • Edit as much as you like, but don't remove any credits present. They are the small © symbols. Leave them alone. You may change the color to match your custom palette for your carrd but do not make them invisible or hard to see.

  • Don't claim as your own work OR use this template as a base for a different template OR use it for any commissions, paid or not. If you use this template, I don't care how much you edit it, go wild, but the credit has to stay intact and you cannot claim it as your own.

  • Do not use to promote illegal, harmful, or hateful content. No burn books, no hate blogs, no callout blogs, nothing of the sort.

Image Sizing

  • The banner on the front page is most suited for images at a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio depending on personal preference. It should be at least 1000px wide for best results. (The one that comes with the template is 2000px wide.)

  • The tall image in the bio section is at a 9:16 ratio. It will also resize based on width. If you make the bio longer, you may want a taller image, or to add another column to the container so it does not outgrow the image too much and make the spacing look weird. The image here will work best with the current spacing if it is at least 450px wide or greater.

  • If you need help with image sizing, or re-sizing anything / fixing spacing, you're more than welcome to shoot me a message on my blog and I'll try to help when I can.

How to Add More NPCs

  • The NPCs on the connections page are divided into rows of three. There is a new container for every row to prevent uneven spacing. To add more, you need to duplicate the container as a new one instead of adding to the same one, keeping only to a row of three per container.

  • Make a copy of the image and description sections and move them into place. There should only be two things to copy per new NPC.

  • If a row has an empty space with no NPC, click on the container, select the column that is empty (left, middle, or right) and check the box that says "use as spacer". If you have two NPCs in a row instead of three and want them to center, delete the empty column and the other two will adjust automatically. If you need to re-add the column later when adding another NPC, just click "add column" and the sizes should also automatically adjust in that case as well.

Discord: mr.knifes   

  miles.     24.     he / they.     Pacific time.  

[       muses                  trigger warnings       ]

  001   pretty standard / basic dni: no homophobia, racism, misogyny, etc. will be tolerated here. please no adult/minor rp, rape rp or incest rp. please no minors. account is strictly 18+ due to the themes in fallout.  002   as fair warning, fallout is full of heavily triggering content. it will involve: slavery, sexual assault, drug use, nuclear war, classism, xenophobia, body horror, etc. i've included a list of the most prevalent trigger warnings on wolf's account in the link above this page.  003   mun is new to twitter rp. i've rped for years on other platforms like tumblr, instagram, and others. but i am 100% clueless / winging it when it comes to twitter. please be patient with me if i do some clown shit. i also work night shifts so activity tends to drop during the evening, and sometimes my responses will be very slow. also the spotify & pinterest links up above link to a playlist & aesthetic board for wolf if you wanna know his Vibes(tm).  004   sexual / nsfw rp. this content will not likely be present here, because it's not something that i feel comfortable writing, personally. i would also kindly ask that if we are mutuals, please confine most / if not all smut rps to dms, so that i can avoid it on the timeline.  005   shipping. i’m multi-ship, but VERY selective with shipping. if we've written together a lot, feel free to approach me about shipping if you'd like. just be warned that wolf has a lot of issues, and he's 40+, so he's not easy to ship with.

  006   preferences. because i am busy irl, and i'm a chaotic mess, i prefer to do short rps on the timeline only. i'm not opposed to lengthy writing in dms, but it's just not possible for me right now. i also tend to avoid action/fighting threads because they don't interest me. please do not try to initiate combat with my muse unless we both agree upon it first / it's important to the plot.  007   follow backs. i tend to follow back people who post more in-character content than ooc. i also prefer to write with people who have proper grammar and spelling. ( although a few mistakes here and there is no biggie, we all make 'em. ) i might not follow back if i feel like our muses might not mesh well together / lack chemistry. honestly, no hate at all if i don't follow back. i'm not a snob who looks down on other people for having fun, i just want to cater my feed to be full of people i want to write with, and don't want to force interactions for no reason. so, don't feel bad if i don't follow back, it's nothing personal!  007   closing. overall my main goal here is just to have a silly, goofy time and i hope my mutuals feel the same. i don't want this to be stressful for either of us. so don't feel intimidated to approach me about anything. if you're uncomfy with something, want to plot, swap memes, etc etc don't hesitate to dm me at all. i want everyone to be comfy and have a chill experience.

  008   credits: for faceclaim screencaps, filter / psd is 'oh beans' by jaynedits on tumblr.
pinned template is 'virus' from waatsoned on deviantart. gifs are sourced from: blondewhoregifs, stannyramirez, josshelps, gracgifs, and sebegifs (from tumblr.)
  009   why is this page so big  010   none pizza left beef.

alcoholismwill be explicit. wolf is an active alcoholic and frequent drinker.
smokingwill be explicit. wolf smokes very often.
suicidal thoughtssometimes explicit. usually wolf will make jokes or references.
ptsd / flashbackssometimes explicit. wolf is a soldier and suffers from ptsd often.
homophobia / biphobiararely explicit. a prominent part of wolf's background that may be referenced.
war / militarywill be explicit. due to the nature of fallout, and wolf's background, it will be everywhere.
blood and goresometimes explicit. will usually be mentioned off-handedly in vague detail, unless specified.
slaverywill never be explicit, but may be discussed due to its prevalence in-universe.
abbott wolff@vegasrotfalloutmedium to high activity
paladin walker@steelforgcdfalloutmedium to low activity
dr. richards@ncrmedicfalloutmedium to low activity
list of general headcanonsmain versefallout


Heavily Affiliated , Blog-Wide.
Exclusive with Musename



  luz alvarado      wolf's best friend. fellow veteran ranger. each met in their youth, while stationed in oregon. during an arm wrestling match, she won, and the two hit it off afterwards, becoming close. after a while, they started dating, but eventually broke it off, as they made better friends than lovers. they still keep in close contact to this day, although she is posted at another station.

  garrett sutherland      wolf's ex-boyfriend. former veteran ranger. similarly to lucy, garrett met wolf on duty, while the two were stationed in baja, years before the ncr-legion war. being teammates at the time, the two were always together, watching each other's backs. even after their work together was finished, and the two got pushed to different stations, they still kept in contact. and, at some point, their friendship blossomed into romance. the two stayed together for a long time, until breaking things off a few months before the first battle of hoover dam. garrett lost his life in boulder city.

  timothy clarke      former best friend. former ranger. deceased. timothy was wolf's childhood friend, having grown up alongside him near the hub. they spent most of their free time playing together as children, and even enlisted in the ncr military together, once they both turned 16. sadly, timothy was killed in action when wolf was only 25.

  wyatt stone      former family friend. former veteran ranger. one of the original desert rangers. originally from texas, earning him the nickname 'star,' short for lone star. he eventually moved out west to arizona, and even served alongside wolf's mother, aliza, when the desert rangers used to protect the wasteland. after the ranger unification treaty, wyatt continued to serve as a ranger in the ncr military. he served as wolf's squad leader up until his death during the battle of hoover dam.



i was raised feral ;

and mostly stayed that way;

abbott wolff was born on april 4th, 2239, to daniel and aliza wolff, in the city of two-sun, arizona. they lived a tough life, thanks to the various raiding parties present within arizona. still, they managed to survive well enough. with daniel’s knowledge of medicine ( as a former vault dweller and follower of the apocalypse ) and aliza’s knowledge of survival ( being a desert ranger and arizona native ), they fared better than most people, living an honest, quiet existence. that all changed when the legion formed, 8 years later. while the legion was only heard of in whispers, claiming to be a benevolent force, daniel and aliza sensed something was wrong. the two didn’t hesitate to pack up their bags in favor of moving out west, to new california, taking abbott with was there that the wolff family built a new life for themselves, purchasing a small plot of farm land near the hub. it wasn't easy starting over from scratch, but it was better than the harsh environment of arizona. for abbott, however, the farm life did not appeal. not wanting to be a farmer, while neither knowing what else he wanted to do in life, wolf enlisted into the ncr army at the age of became a combat medic, inspired by his own father's career as a doctor, with the followers. he didn't mind it much, in fact, he enjoyed helping people who were suffering. however, he knew that this, too, was not the life he wanted. after his first tour was over, abbott made the decision to try the unthinkable.he volunteered for the ncr rangers, reminiscing on childhood memories of his mother and her friends, when the desert rangers were in their glory. though the ncr rangers were of different origins, their goals were similarly aligned, and that was enough for him. he knew that joining the ncr rangers meant protecting people who couldn't protect themselves.

to nobody's surprise, abbott was accepted, thanks to his exceptional navigational skills and acts of bravery as a medic. he then passed through training with flying colors, thanks to the wealth of knowledge passed down to him by his parents.
abbott then became wolf, a ranger known for his vicious, unrelenting fury against slavery and oppression.
wolf ended up sticking around longer than he ever thought he would, always having intended to quit the military after getting a degree. instead, wolf ended up working his way up the chain, eventually achieving the rank of ' lieutenant ', with a political science & history degree under his belt.he served multiple tours in the ncr-brotherhood war, and even went on to witness the merging of the desert rangers with the ncr ; a sad sight for him, having familial ties to the faction. 4 years later, wolf would go on to achieve veteran status, earning his black wasn't long after his promotion that the ncr decided to declare war on the legion, vying for control over the hoover dam. wolf's undying loyalty to the ncr had already began to falter long ago, but the fractures worsened after the first battle of hoover dam. it was there that wolf witnessed one of the bloodiest conflicts he'd ever seen, and even lost two of the people closest to him: garrett sutherland & wyatt stone.wolf's spirit was broken after that, but not enough to leave. after all, where would he go? the brotherhood was a joke, robert house never left his high tower, and he definitely was not going to get into bed with a bunch of slavers.despite his hatred for president kimball, he followed orders to go chase ghosts in baja, before returning to his previous post in nevada. it brought up a lot of bad memories, returning to camp forlorn hope. but he'd be damned if he would let the legion win without a fight.


  NAME    abbott ezra wolff  NICKNAME/ALIAS    wolf  AGE    42 in f:nv, 48 in fo4  DATE OF BIRTH    4 / 4 / 2239  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis male, he/they  ORIENTATION    bisexual / biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    human / mixed; half white, half mizrahi jewish  NATIONALITY    american / ncr citizen


- daniel wolff - father
- aliza levy-wolff - mother
- noah wolff - adopted brother
- n/a
- luz alvarado - best friend
- timothy clarke - best friend (deceased)
- garrett sutherland - ex-partner (deceased)
- wyatt stone - squad leader
  OCCUPATION    veteran ranger  RANK    lieutenant (f:nv), captain (fo4)  BIRTHPLACE    two-sun, arizona  HOMETOWN    the hub, new california  CURRENT RESIDENCE    camp forlorn hope, nevada  LANGUAGES    english , spanish, hebrew, latin, asl


  HEIGHT    6’3”  WEIGHT    200 lbs.  HAIR    brown  EYES    blue-grey  SCARS    small scar on right brow, large scar on left hand, various scars on body  PIERCINGS    n/a  TATTOOS    n/a  FACE CLAIM    oliver jackson-cohen


- passionate
- charitable
- loyal
- courageous
- emotionally withdrawn
- violent
- pessimistic
- judgemental
  ASTROLOGY    aries sun, aries moon, gemini rising  MBTI    enfj-a  ENNEAGRAM    type 8 wing 9 (occasionally wing 7)  TEMPERAMENT    choleric


- PTSD, chronic depression
- grip in his left hand is weaker, and aches in cold weather ; due to an old knife wound

  SKILLS   - guns — [ 100 ] "you see a ranger in black, run the other way. take you out from a quarter mile off."
- sneak — [ 100 ] "before you get your ranger badge, you've got to prove you can be quieter than a shadow..."
- unarmed — [ 100 ] "...and more ferocious than a deathclaw."
- survival — [ 100 ] "the ranger vets are on their way from baja. i've never seen one before, but i heard they chew nails and spit napalm."
- 8 ST. 9 PE. 10 EN. 6 CH. 7 IT. 8 AG. 1 LK.
skilled. built to destroy.
confirmed bachelor, lady killer, gunslinger, cowboy, hunter, unstoppable force, terrifying presence ( to name a few. )


  • rangers are different from regular ncr soldiers; all of them are more sympathetic & helpful to wastelanders & have a history in fighting against slavery. therefore, wolf is NOT going to be as patriotic or imperialistic as characters like president kimball, general oliver, and cassandra moore. he actually detests the current status of the ncr, and will tell you as much.

  • wolf is very stubborn and does not trust easily. this is partially due to PTSD, partially because of his personality. he will not be easily convinced or persuaded of things. but, he does enjoy being challenged.

  • the name wolf stems from his military service, being referred to as “wolff” all the time. most people found the name fitting, on account of his personality, referencing him as the “big, bad wolf.” so, wolff turned into wolf. he’s been stuck with the name ever since, and rarely responds to “abbott” anymore, except with family or close friends.

  Fallout     Main Verse. 
Wolf is a Veteran Ranger in the NCR military.
  Overwatch    AU. 
Wolf was a Blackwatch member during Overwatch's golden years. He ended up quitting shortly before Overwatch was disbanded, and later returned as a member of the new Overwatch team.

  Modern/Paranormal    AU. 
Abbott Wolff is a paramedic with the unfortunate ability to see ghosts.
  Dead by Daylight    AU. 
Details to be written.
  Fantasy/DND    AU. 
Still hashing out the details, but Wolf is a Paladin with an oath of vengeance.